发布日期:2016-11-10 作者:无锡易智道企业管理咨询有限公司 点击:
1. Business license/ Certificate of Registration 营业执照副本
2. Factory map/ floor plan (If any) 工厂平面图(如有)
3. Payroll records of past 12 months 过去12个月的工资表
4. Piece rate records of past 12 months (If applicable)计件工人过去12个月的计件记录(如适用)
5. Attendance records of past 12 months过去12个月的考勤记录
6. Official overtime waiver/ Comprehensive Working Hour System permit (Ifapplicable)当地劳动局批发的加班批文或综合工时批文(如适用)
7. Social insurance documents (payment receipt, registration certificate, listof participating employees, waiver approved by Social Insurance Departmentetc.)社保文件
8. Employee list, employee personnel files, labor contracts and proof of agedocuments员工花名册,员工人事档案,劳动合同及个人身份证复印件
9. Leave policy and records, including maternity leave, annual leave, workinjury leave and sick leave etc.假期政策及记录,包括产假,年假,工伤假和病假等
10. Employee resignation/ termination record员工离职/终止记录
11. Child labor policy 童工政策
12. Juvenile Workers (age 16-18) registration and health check report (Ifapplicable)未成年工(16-18周岁)的劳动局备案登记及体检报告(如适用)
13. Employees’ grievance procedures and records员工申诉程序及记录
14. Anti-discrimination policy反歧视政策
15. Disciplinary policy and disciplinary action record纪律政策及相关记录
16. Employee handbook and factory rules员工手册及厂纪厂规
17. Safety Officer training record and certificate安全主任培训记录及证书
18. Fire fighting equipment maintenance and inspection records消防器材保养及检查记录
19. Fire inspection certificate and report issued by Fire Department or thirdparty consultant firm (If any)当地消防部门或有资质的第三方发放的消防验收证书/记录(如有)
20. Emergency evacuation procedure紧急疏散程序
21. Fire drill records with photos 消防演习记录及照片
22. Employee work injury and accident records工伤记录
23. Medical examination reports of workers performing hazardous jobs (Ifapplicable)危险岗位工人的职业病体检记录(如适用)
24. Operating instruction for heavy machinery operator (If applicable)重型机器的操作指导书(如适用)
25. Blade policy and record (If applicable)利器控制程序及记录(如适用)
26. Specific appliances permit and operators’ licenses (e.g. forklift, boiler)(If applicable)特种设备的登记证/检测报告及其操作人员的操作证(如:叉车,锅炉)(如适用)
27. Certificate and license of in-house doctors and nurses (If applicable)驻厂医护人员的资质证书/执照(如适用)
28. Certificate of trained first aid personnel 急救人员培训证书
29. Hygiene certificate of canteen (If applicable)食堂卫生许可证(如适用)
30. Kitchen staff health check certificate (If applicable)厨房员工健康证(如适用)
31. Environmental permit (e.g. Sewage discharge permit, Air emission permit)(If applicable)环保证书(如:排污许可证,废气排放证)(如适用)
32. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) of chemical used (If applicable)化学品的物质安全资料表(MSDS)(如适用)
33. Employee training record (orientation program, fire safety, chemicalsafety, use of PPE etc.)员工的培训记录(入职培训,消防安全培训,化学品安全培训,个人防护用品使用培训等)
34. Registration of union, union contract and collective bargaining agreement(If applicable)工会登记,工会合同及集体谈判协议(如适用)
35. Others其他